
来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理
摘要:记叙文就是记叙人物的经历或事件的发生、 发展和变化的过程的文章。英语记叙文和汉语的记叙文的结构与写法基本相同。另外, 在写作记叙文时, 好学英文网认为您还应该注意以下几点:请参考。…


记叙文就是记叙人物的经历或事件的发生、 发展和变化的过程的文章。英语记叙文和汉语的记叙文的结构与写法基本相同。另外, 在写作记叙文时, 好学英文网认为您还应该注意以下几点:

(1) 内容完整, 要注意使文章的内容包括时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果等六大要素。

(2) 条理清楚, 在写作的过程中要注意把握事件的重要过程, 并安排好次要的线索, 使叙述井井有条。

(3) 取材适当, 于一个事件有关的细节很多, 我们不可能把所有的细节都包括在一篇短文之中, 叙述时要特别注意分清主次, 抓住事件主要内容, 并根据文章的中心思想作出适当的取舍, 做到详略得当。


A Picnic

What a beautiful day! The warm sun was hanging up in the blue sky. The breeze was blowing gently over the sea. There were several sea gulls whirling over the waves. it's a good day for a picnic,?we thought happily as we stood on the deck of the ferry boat on our way to Green Island, admiring the picturesque view.

After an hour's sailing, we reached our destination. We saw a range of shops and houses with one or two stories by the sea shore. They were not newly built. We also saw quite a number of dead fish which were going to be dried in the sun distributed on the ground.
We went down to Sai Wan beach. There were many fishermen's huts and little houses built on disused sampans. We also saw many dried lobsters and fishes lying about the sea shore and there was a bad odour from them. From hxw.red.
We crossed the beach and went up the slopes. At last, we reached the famous cave which was the hiding place of a notorious pirate in the 19th century. Carrying a torch, each of us was very excited. We carefully slipped into the dark cave one by one. It was very narrow and we found it difficult to walk through. We could not see anything but the cave. However, we ventured inside the cave. The opening was so small that we could hardly get through.
Everyone was tired and hungry, so we went to eat all the food we brought with us. The food seemed to be more tasteful than usual. After that, some of my classmates went to fish by the cave and others went to travel round the island in a boat.
We enjoyed our games in the garden very much until it was five o'clock in the afternoon. The sun would set very soon, so we gathered together and returned to the pier. We then stepped on board the ferry boat and said good-bye to Green Island.

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沙丁鱼冰激凌来到葡萄牙|Sardine ice cream coming to …