青年 Youth英语作文

来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:青年 Youth:青年不仅是某一个时间,你的生活;亦是形状您的想法。它不仅是光明的眼睛,甜美的笑容,尼斯的声音,苏普莱机构,而且是这样,你的思想和行动。这是一个动力,惊险刺激,你再进一步和春天可以洗净污垢远离在您的深深的心。 …

青年 Youth(本文着重介绍了青年的相关问题,及对青年进行了简要分析,短短500字,体现了年轻给我们带来的最大好处。)

Youth is not only a certain time of your life; also it is the shape of your mind. It is not only bright eyes, sweet smiles, nice voices, supple bodies, but also it is the way that you think and act. It is an impetus that thrills you to go further and a spring can wash the dirt away in your deep deep heart.

None of you will merely get older by the lapse of years, but easily get anile by the caducity in your mind. You can never judge a person’s age only by its appearance.

I have to say it’s really unadvisable. Time can wrinkle your skin, loosen your teeth, but that feature doesn’t mean you are old. The decline in vigor with the passing of time is the exact meaning of ageing, while not the fading faces. Similarly, youth does not only mean the red lips, rosy cheeks, it is the attitude you keep. So, it is not strange that a person with an age of 80, while we can still regard her as a lovely girl. From hxw.red

Youth is invisible, how can you hold it? I have seen a sentence from a Chinese article. It says that 2 things can keep your youth, one is love, the other is a beneficial book. Love makes you ignore the passing of time. An 80-year-old woman who had been married over 50 years said: I think I am still young, like a girl, I know he, my husband loves me, just like what he did 50 years before. You see, that’s the magic power of love. A beneficial book is like a loyal friend who plays an important role in your life. You can talk to him anytime you want, and he will stand beside you for ever, never escape, or leave your behind alone. I hope my short speech will make you see the things clearly. Do cherish your youth, make full use of it and try to keep it.





青年是无形的,你如何能举行呢? 我所看到的句子,从中国的文章。它说二的东西,可以保留您的青年,一个是爱,另一种是有益的书。 爱让你忽略了时间的推移。一个80岁老妪谁已经结婚50多年,说:我想我还年轻,喜欢一个女孩,我知道他,我的丈夫爱我,就像他50年前。你看,这就是神奇的爱的力量。

一个有益的书是一样的忠实的朋友,谁扮演一个重要的角色,在你的生活。您可以在他谈谈如果您想要,他将站在旁边的你永远,永远不会逃避,或离开您的背后。 我希望我的简短发言,将让您看到的东西清楚。不珍惜你的青年,充分利用它,并尝试继续使用它。

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