世界湿地日World Wetlands Day英文介绍

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摘要:英语作文网编者按:每年的2月2日是世界湿地日World Wetlands Day,这里给大家普及一下基本知识。 俗话说:没有湿地也就没有水!湿地与人类的生存、繁衍及发展息息相关。中国湿地约占世界湿地面积的10%,是世界上湿地生物多样性最丰富的国家之一。我国湿地…

好学英文网编者按:每年的2月2日是世界湿地日World Wetlands Day,这里给大家普及一下基本知识。

February 2 each year is World Wetlands Day. It marks1 the signing of the international Convention (公约) on Wetlands in Ramsar, Iran, on 2 February 1971. There are many definitions2 of wetlands, but put simply, wetlands are usually wet. The three criteria3 used to deter- mine a wetland are: the presence of wet soil, water in the form of flooding or saturation (饱和), and vegetation(植被) or plants that grow in water.

World Wetlands Day has been celebrated since 1997 and provides an opportunity to draw attention to the need for wise management of the world's wetlands through a variety of events (活动) such as workshops (专题讨论会) and seminars4, nature walks and guided tours, children's art contests and photographic(摄影的) competitions, community clean-ups, planting activities or other local initiatives(倡议). The theme for World Wetlands Day 2005 is "Cultural and Biological Diversity(多样性) of Wetlands".

Functions and Values of Wetlands

Flood and Storm Water Damage Protection Wetlands act like sponges (海绵), slowing the slow of floods by temporarily storing flood and runoff(地表径流) waters.

Water Purification (净化) Pollutants (污染物) can be removed through absorption(吸收) by plants and soils.

Maintenance of Water Supply Wetlands can serve as groundwater recharging5 zones, improving the flow of streams.

Preservation of Wildlife Habitats Wetlands provide breeding, nesting(筑巢), rearing6 and wintering habitats for many fish and wildlife species. These include endangered (濒危的) species, such as whooping cranes (美洲鹤), bald eagles (秃鹰) and wood storks (黑头鹮鹳). Wetlands provide breeding grounds for fish and shellfish (有壳的水生动物) and are home for many species of timber(树木), for wild rice and cran- berries(越橘).

Climatic Influences Wetlands help control atmospheric pollution by removing excess nitrogen(氮) and carbon produced by humans.

Recreation and Natural Beauty Places for hunting and fishing, canoeing(乘独木舟) and boating, nature study and photography and outdoor education are provided by wetlands.











抵御洪水和暴雨的破坏 湿地起到类似海绵的作用,通过暂时储蓄洪水和地表径流,减缓洪水的流动速度。

净化水质 植物和土壤的吸收能去除污染物。

保持水供给 湿地能起到地下水再补充区域的作用,加大河流的流量。

保护野生生物栖息地 湿地能为许多鱼类和野生生物提供繁殖、筑巢、养育和过冬的栖息地。这些动物包括一些濒危物种,例如美洲鹤、秃鹰和黑头鹮鹳。湿地为鱼类和贝类提供了繁育地,也是多种树木、野米(菰米)和越橘的家园。

影响气候 湿地可以去除由人类制造出来的过量氮元素和碳元素物质、从而有助于控制大气污染。

娱乐和美化大自然 湿地可以为狩猎、垂钓、驾独木舟或划船、自然研究以及摄影,还有户外教育等活动提供场所。


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