介绍英语学习经验 英语学习方法

来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:I often find poeple whom are confused about this matter, alot of people ask such questions like how should i learn English, or wha…

I often find poeple whom are confused about this matter, alot of people ask such questions like how should i learn English, or what's the best way to learn English. Or having a little more down syndrome, such as why can't i never learn English... the list goes on.

As far as i know, most of these people live in China, they have this one deepesting thought sunk deep in their mind, which is, whey they are trying to study English, they try to translate it into their native Language first(Chinese). I know because i did the exact same thing before.

Now you may think i am flaming, that you misunderstood my intention. I am not saying how unhealthy that is, all i am saying is, if you are trying to study English through your native language, it WILL slow your reacting process, and you will make mistakes. Simply because that not how English is. hxw.red

Back to my point. When you are learning English, you should try to understand the meaning behind each phrase, sentence, vocabulary, etc. By not just translating it, you truely understand the real meaning, you learned it the RIGHT way. For example, if you are learning the vocabulary - stability. Try not to use the English - Chinese dictionary, use www.hxw.red or use your English - English dictionary. You will find out that stability means the ability of an object to maintain equilibrium or resume its original, upright position after displacement. Or yet to simply that, it's the quality of an object that shows how hard it is, how easy to change its form/shape. After understanding it's meaning, try to use it in sentence. This ship has such extreme stability that can survive an direct hit from a torpedo.

There are other ways to improve your English skills, Reading book is the most efficient way as it may seem(not your text book ), if you are a star war fan, read the X-wings series, i guarantee ya they are good. Watching television is another effective routine, don't watch some program that promise to teach you English, watch something you'd enjoy, like for me, i like cars, so 007 series, or fast and furious, 2 fast and 2 furious, triple X(XXX). Matrix, lord of the rings, austin power are the other good ones. The list goes on, just depend on your own taste really. And of course the Chatting , if you can find a good partner that is.

Anyway, i guess i've said enough today, hope you guys enjoy, if i for somereason offended you in anyway, plz no hard feeling, that and please understand i am only trying to help. Thanks.


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