女性的压力大于男性 Women Are More Stressful than Men

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:The debates between men and women are never out of date. When the society rapidly develops, the stress caused by it has led to a h…

Thedebates between men and women are never out of date. When the society rapidlydevelops, the stress caused by it has led to a heated discussion that who ismore stressful between men and women.


Somepeople hold the opinion that women are more stressful than men. The reasons areas follows. In modern society, women have held up half the sky. They have totry their best to keep balance between family and work since most people stillthink it is natural that women must take good care of family, even though theyhave a successful career outside. In addition, the disadvantage in strength andpower makes it unfair for women to get the same opportunities of promoting, thoughthey do the same job with men.


Onthe other hand, others hold the opposite views that men are more stressful.Firstly, men are always considered as the pillar of the world, so they musttake the responsibilities of supporting the family and winning reputation inthe society. They are under great pressure. Secondly,women are so fragile in most people's opinion that they can resort to menwithout any blame, but how men release their stress? Last but not least, we cansee many organizations aimed at protecting women, but where are men's shelters?


Toa certain degree they both make sense, but I am favor of the first opinion.Indeed, women have more and more rights, but everything has a price. Theconsequence of more rights is more duties. People have become strict to women. Oursociety acquires women to be a good wife that supporting their husbandunconditionally is their necessary responsibility. With so many expectationsand responsibilities, if a woman wants to be successful, how hard she shouldwork and how much pressure she should suffer? Conclusively, I think women aremore stressful that men.


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