
来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:muscle,you will increase your weight. Training with weights breaks down muscle, nutrition and rest repairs them so that they are f…

muscle,you will increase your weight. Training with weights breaks down muscle, nutrition and rest repairs them so that they are fractionally bigger than they were before.

Always concentrate on the big exercises which are going to work the most muscles at one go. These exercises require the use of lots of different muscles. In short more of your muscles are being targeted. Don't waste time and effort on small exercises which focus on small individual muscles,these will not get you the body you want. You should lift a weight that allows you to reach 4-8 reps, and once you can do 8 reps add a little more weight and repeat the process.

You need to start eating more calories but they should be good calories that come from foods such as cereals, vegetables, lean meat, eggs, and fish. Try to eat salmon or tuna everyday as these provide you with the types of fat that are of great benefit for your body. Solid food or liquid food (protein drinks) should be consumed every few hours. Your calorie requirements will increase with heavy training because your body will demand more to cope with what you are doing. Don't forget to drink lots of water.







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