How to face emotins如何面对emotins

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:The biggest difference between animals and human is that human can think. So we have emotions.Love,hatred and grief are emotions.I…
The biggest difference between animals and human is that human can think. So we have emotions.Love,hatred and grief are emotions.I was an emotional boy since I was young.I love to watch the dark sky,the moon and the stars.They always make me think about the future and beautiful dreams.Thinking about emotions let me not only feel the happiness,but also the pains. So I like emotions.I’m not very patient with my parents at home, sometimes even be stubborn. As I’m growing up, we are becoming more and more misunderstanding. I don’t know how to face their love.Also I’m a little timid. I don’t like to talk with others long before. Maybe I worked so hard in study that I had little time to have such a kind of emotion called friendship, whether at school or in the society.The relationship and emotions between boys and girls is unclear. We are told to be careful of this. So a girl seldom talks to a boy at school. I had the same situation in Junior Grade 1.But after one year’s time, we knew each other better and talked more. Then I found that everyone in my class had a kind heart and was friendly to others. When I was in Grade Three, a nice girl suddenly appeared in my mind .Then I had a nicer and nicer expression of her. As everyone thought, I fell in love with her. Maybe this is really a special kind of emotion, it makes the distance between us much longer and this feeling lasts now. I even don’t know how I love her, or I don’t love her at all. But I know I can’t forget her. Now she’s in No.2 Middle School .I really don’t know how to deal with the emotion….Then how to deal with those emotions?As an emotional boy, I’ve thought of this for quite a long time .And I have found these ideas:The first one, just be silent and away from others. Though this sounds terrible, it’s really a good way to study better. But nobody can live in the world all by himself. We should get to know others. I can’t imagine what I’ll be like if I keep silent.The second one, to help them when they’re in trouble and then get to know them better maybe is really a nice way. Everyone needs help and love. I think helping others means a lot.Gradually, I had a great and nice dream: make everyone happy. This helps me much.We are living to learn and know. We shall work hard only to solve several emotions.I have a third idea. I think it’s the best one. To face emotions, just to accept them and get help from them.Maybe large numbers of students aren’t interested in studying because children are always fond of playing. So we should have a goal and a kind of power for studying: for success, for living better, for being happier, for whom we love and who love us or….Many goals can be our power. But there are still a few goals that can’t be ,such as for playing games, for being commanding and defiant to others, for puppy love and so on. If we have a nice and proper goal—a kind of power, we’ll have enthusiasm to do things. Then we’ll do things more excellently.So face emotions, just try to feel and use them!
非法动物和人类之间是可以认为,人类最大的不同。因此,我们 有emotions.Love,仇恨和痛苦的emotions.I是一个情感的男孩因为我young.I喜欢看黑暗的天空, 月亮和stars.They总是让我对未来的美好dreams.Thinking思考情感,不仅让我 感到幸福,而且痛苦。因此,我希望emotions.I'米不太家乡的父母,病人有时甚至会 顽固。正如我成长过程中,我们越来越误解。我不知道如何面对我的love.Also 1,有点心虚。我不喜欢与人交谈很久以前。也许我的工作如此努力学习,我没有时间有 这样的情绪,称为友谊,无论是在学校或在society.The男孩之间的关系和感情 女孩还不清楚。我们被告知是小心。因此,一个女孩很少谈判,在学校的男孩。我有同样的情况在 初中级1.But经过1年的时间,我们更好地相互了解和谈论更多。后来我发现,在我的课都 有一个善良的心和对他人的是友好的。当我在三年级,一个漂亮的女孩突然出现在我的脑海。后来我 她的表现更好,更加好。大家想,我爱上了她。也许这真的是一种特殊的情感,它让我觉得我们之间的距离更加遥远,而这种感觉仍然存在。我什至不知道我爱她,或者我不 '吨爱她的。但我知道我不能忘记她。现在,她在第二中学。我真的不知道如何处理 情绪...。那么如何处理这些情绪?作为一个感情的男孩,我本想了很长时间。我 发现这些想法:第一,只是沉默,远离其他人。虽然这听起来很可怕,这真是一个好 研究更好的方法。但是没有人可以生活在世界各地由他本人。我们应该更多地了解他人。我无法想象我' 当地雇员像我不断silent.The第二,帮助他们时,他们的麻烦,然后让他们更好地了解也许是 真是一个好方法。每个人都需要帮助和爱。我觉得帮助别人是指lot.Gradually,我有一个伟大而漂亮的梦想: 让大家高兴。这有助于我much.We生活,学习和了解。我们将努力只是为了解决一些emotions.I 有三分之一的想法。我认为这是最好的之一。面对感情,他们只接受并获得很大的帮助them.Maybe 学生人数不感兴趣的研究,因为孩子们总是喜欢玩。因此,我们应该有一个目标, 为研究一种力量:成功有良好的生活,是幸福的,我们为他们的爱,谁爱我们,或...。,很多 目标可以是我们的力量。但仍有一些目标,不能如玩游戏,因为被指挥 对他人的蔑视,对早恋等。如果我们有一个很好的和适当的目标权力的一种,我们将积极做 事情。然后,我们将做的事情更多excellently.So面对感情,只是试着去感觉和使用它们!


With success achieved, we also need frie…