人口应该遏制 Population to Be Curbed

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:Population to Be Curbed (A) Nothing in today's world is as big a problem as that of population. People begin to worry about the su…
Population to Be Curbed (A)

Nothing in today's world is as big a problem as that of population. People begin to worry about the support capacity of the earth. And there might be only standing room for each person in the future.

Lima's population was 5. 7 million in 1985 but it grew to 9. 1 million in 2000. Tianjin's was 7.9 million in 1985. In 2000, it boosted to 9. 7 million. Such cities as London, Osaka, Moscow, Beijing, Karachi, Delhi, Jakarta, Seoul, and Teheran are having a similar population growth. Calcutta, Shanghai, New York, and Sto Paulo see a faster population explosion. Tokyo had 18.8 million in 1985. In 2000 it turned into 20.2 million. Mexico city had 17.3 million people in 1985, but in 2000, its population reached 25.8 million! What does the population growth mean? It means greater and greater consumption and greater pressure for the earth. If more people are added to the world population without our being alert or taking any action, we would have only standing room by the end of the 21st century.

Each government and the UN should see that population of each country and each city stops growing for the next fifty years.Sample for Band 6
Population to Be Curbed (B)
Everything grows in modern times, and it seems that nothing grows as quickly as population. Population keeps growing, and grows rapidly, firstly because people's living standards keep going up, with better houses, better clothing, better food, secondly because people know how to preserve themselves so as to live longer, and thirdlybecause they have modern medicine and medical care to ensure that usual diseases can be easily cured. There is another cause for the growth of population. Few countries or governments have realised the importance of family planning. On the contrary, some encourage child-birth.

Here are some examples of population growth from 1985 to 2000 (as anticipated).

Lima had 5.7 million people in 1985 but there were 9.1 million by 2000. Tianjin used to have 7. 9 million in 1985. By 2000 its population reached 9. 7 million. Such cities as London, Osaka, Moscow, Beijing, Karachi, Delhi, Jakarta, Seoul, and Teheran are having a similar population growth. We would not be shocked if all other cities have this rate. But some cities, like Calcutta, Shanghai, New York, and Sto Paulo boost their population even more quickly than the above-mentioned cities. Tokyo had 18.8 million in 1985. The year 2000 found 20.2 million Tokyo citizens. Mexico city had 17.3 million people in 1985, but as population specialists had predicted, that reached 25.8 million in 2000 ! #p#分页标题#e#
The population problem is a universal concern nowadays. Any government is a failure if it does nothing about its population growth.
为带样品4人口得到遏制(在今天的世界)是没有什么大的一个问题,因为人口。人们开始担心地球的支持能力。有可能只是站在每个人 在未来的空间。利马的人口为50。 700万美元,但1985年增长了9。 100万2000。天津为7.9万1985年。 2000年,提高到9。 7000000。这样的 城市如伦敦,大阪,莫斯科,北京,卡拉奇,新德里,雅加达,汉城和伊朗是具有类似的人口增长。加尔各答,上海,纽约,和STO圣保罗看到 一个更快的人口爆炸。东京曾在1985年1880万美元。在2000年变成20200000。墨西哥城市曾在1985年1730.0万人,但在2000年,其人口达到 2580万美元!什么是人口的增长意味着什么?这意味着越来越大的消费和更大的土压力。如果有更多的人加入到我们的世界人口没有被警告或 采取任何行动,我们只有站在21世纪末的余地。每个政府和联合国应当看到,每个国家和每个城市的人口停止对未来50年增长。 对带样品6人口得到遏制(乙)一切生长在现代,似乎没有什么增长尽快人口。人口不断增加,并迅速增长,首先是因为人民生活水平的持续上 涨,更好的房子,更好的服装,更好的食品,其次是因为人们知道如何保护自己,活得更长,他们和thirdlybecause现代医药和医疗保健以确 保正常的疾病很容易治愈。还有就是对人口增长的原因。很少有国家或政府已经意识到计划生育的重要性。相反,一些鼓励孩子出生。以下是 从1985年的人口增长到2000年的一些例子(如预期)。利马曾在1985年570万人,但2000年有910万美元。天津曾经有过7。 9000000于1985年。 到2000年人口达到9。 7000000。这样的城市如伦敦,大阪,莫斯科,北京,卡拉奇,新德里,雅加达,汉城和伊朗是具有类似的人口增长。我 们不会感到震惊,如果所有其他城市有这个速度。但是,一些城市,如加尔各答,上海,纽约,圣保罗和STO提高他们的人口甚至快于上述城市 。东京曾在1985年1880万美元。 2000年发现二千零二十点零万东京公民。墨西哥城市曾在1985年1730.0万人,但人口专家曾预测,即2000年达 到2580万美元!人口问题是一个普遍关注的今天。任何政府是失败的,如果不解决人口增长无关。

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