安乐死的争议 The Debate of Euthanasia

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:As the development of human society, people emphasis much on their rights, they believe that everyone has the right to choose what…
As the development of human society, people emphasis much on their rights, they believe that everyone has the right to choose what they want if it is not against the law. The issue of euthanasia has been a hot topic these years, some agree it in that people have the right to end their suffering, others disagree because they think life is precious, no one can take away one’s life. Now the debate is still going on.


On the one hand, euthanasia is admitted by some people, they think the patients have the right to end their agony. The patients who are diagnosed with cancer and there is no way for them to cure, they can choose to end their life peacefully.


On the other hand, euthanasia is believed to kill someone legally, such behavior should be stopped. What’s more, patients should not be hopeless, they should struggle for the last minute, there is always miracle, if they choose mercy killing, the only chance is deprived.


On my opinion, euthanasia is brutal, people should fight for the hope, never give up life. The patients struggle with agony, they have family, their support makes one stronger, what’s more, even the animal fight for life, not to say our human being.


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