对于成功最重要的性格 The Most Important Personality to Success

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:What is known to all is that nobody can casually succeed, and success comes from a person's perseverance.As a result, perseverance…

What is known to all is thatnobody can casually succeed, and success comes from a person's perseverance.As a result, perseverance is a good quality that behove in asuccess. Perseverance is the foundation of success.


There are many reasons to support whyperseverance is of great importance. First of all, perseverance provides us thecourage to stand up when falling down in the way to success. It is obvious toeveryone that only after having experienced failures can we reach the otherside of success. However, facing failures, many people may choose to give up.At this time, it is perseverance that makes persons hold on straight to theend. Let me take Edison for an example. It is after having failed a lot that hehad the invention of tungsten filament bulb. His success is closely related tohis perseverance.


In a word, as an old saying goes, try andtry until you succeed. Perseverance is the most important characteristic that aperson who longs for being successful. What's more, it can overcome anydifficulty and help us to accomplish our dream.

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