新型批改作文方式 New Homework Correcting Style

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:Nowadays, a new style homework correcting appears in school which has become a hot point under discussion. We usually get a mark t…

Nowadays, a new style homework correctingappears in school which has become a hot point under discussion. We usually geta mark tick for right answer and get a cross for wrong, but things has beenchanged, educator use “o” for “x”, which makes the correcting more gentle. Asto this new type correcting, there is no consensus agreement among people.


Peoplewho agree with this new style homework correcting hold the views that oureducational method should be gentle. The child’s mind is not mature enough,teachers should choose a more acceptable way when they are correcting student’shomework. Such as an “o” is softer than an “x”. Because in our mind, “x”represent absolutely wrong, on contrary, an “o” means “you should think twice,there is a better answer waiting for you to find out”. It could lead on astudent to correct his answer without hurting his feels.


However,some people think that if we always use a gentle way to teach students, howcould we develop the student’s ability to face the error and frustration. Thereis a reason for educator use “x” for wrong answer, students should have thecourage to face the error that they made, and they should remember why they doit wrong.


Weighingup these two arguments, I prefer the former one. I think once student hasaccepted their error, they will voluntarily to correct. Otherwise, students seean “x” and their defensive mechanisms automatically come up.


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