电脑的利弊 The Pros and Cons of Computer

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:Computer is increasingly popular in people’s daily life. The number of computer in every family is more than TV set. Some pe…

Computer is increasingly popular in people’sdaily life. The number of computer in every family is more than TV set. Somepeople think it is so great that they all regard it as a gift from the heaven. However,some people consider it brings more disadvantages than advantages. In myopinion, both opinions are correct, but if we can use computer in a proper way,its advantages are superior to disadvantages. I have several reasons.


On the one hand, computermakes human beings’ life become easier. People can do many things that they can’tdo before. They can read newspaper without buying it, only sitting in front oftheir computer, clicking mouse to open website. Shopping online, watchingmovies, listening music and play computer games are the common things thatpeople often do by computer. But without computer, they can’t do all theseeasily. In addition, computer is also very helpful for study and work. Peoplecan have classes and work on it.


On theother hand, computer has so many attractive things that some people will beaddicted to it. Some of them may busy finding funs on it, and then ignore theirreal duty, such as, study and work. As a result, it will have great bad effecton their future.


To sum, computer has advantages anddisadvantages. But if people can control themselves to use computer properly, itis useful for their whole life.


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