婚姻与工作如何抉择?Marriage or Job, How to Choose?

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:From the emergence of ' Marry-Upon-Graduation' , and the 1970 s to be the maid of honor of 1980s, urban women’s marriage see…

From the emergence of ' Marry-Upon-Graduation', and the 1970 s to be the maid of honor of 1980s, urban women’s marriage seemsovernight into the early bus. So, faced with more and more women accept theconcept of 'early marriage', how to choose? Different women havedifferent choices, some women choose to get married as soon as she graduated,some choose to have stable work first and then look for objects. I think thatmarriage is the root of happiness, and career is a sign of confidence. Youngpeople still need to have their own work first, then to consider the matter ofmarriage.


Nowadays, aged man is really preferred tochoose those free-standing self-improvement women. Women who has no money andno career are at risk of reduced to a lover. First of all, we have to make surewe know what lifestyle we want, is a housewife or an independent woman? Then we will be easy to know which life wewant.


A woman should learn as much in the patternof the early age, lay the foundation for future career. Don't wait for old age,have the burden of the family, the study and the test, it will be very tired.But hard work, does not affect you going to pursue love and marriage of sweethappiness. If you have a good job and stable position, your situation will bedifferent in your husband’s home.


Actually, this question is as important as askingwhat to eat or sleep, both are inseparable. Modern women, is a good balance whenshe deals with the relationship between family and career, both development. Inreal life, and there is no lack of such a woman. However, women at a young age,first of all, should have their own work. Only independent women can live happily.


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