堕胎的弊端 The Disadvantages of Aborticide

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:Recent years, an increasing numbers of people tend to live with their lovers before they are married. Hence, many accidental pregn…

Recent years, an increasing numbers ofpeople tend to live with their lovers before they are married. Hence, manyaccidental pregnancies happen as well as aborticide. Some people are convincedthat this phenomenon is not acceptable because foeticide hurt people. Somebelieve that it’s not a big deal. In my opinion, I’m for the former’s opinion;reasons will be discussed in the following.


First of all, aborticide may be a bad thingfor the unborn baby. Many people tend to terminate pregnancy if they get an accidentalpregnancy. For most lovers, they are reluctant to give birth to a child beforethey get married. Consequently, many people prefer to have a feticide when theyget an unplanned pregnancy. Thus, this kind of behavior is rather not fair tothe unborn life.


Secondly, aborticide will leads to an unhealthybody condition. Many people decide to abort once they have an accidentalpregnancy. The aborticide surgery will hurt women badly. What’s worse, feticidemay cause infertility.


Thirdly, aborticide may cause otherdisease. Though foeticide does badly to body health, it also may cause somecomplications or other disease, or even cause death.


All in all, the disadvantages of aborticideare so obvious. So when people get accidental pregnancy, they shouldn’t try toabort.


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