2016年广州半数学校覆盖无线网 Half of Guangzhou Digital School Will be Covered With Wi-Fi in 2016

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:The public school of Guangzhou will basically achieve that there are 1000M broadband access to science and education network, and …

The public school of Guangzhou will basically achieve that there are 1000M broadband access to science and education network, and achieve Campus Access to ICTs by 2015. There will be more than 50% schools have wireless network coverage, forming the new education style of ubiquitous learning environment by 2016. Yesterday, Qu Shaobing the director of the Guangzhou City education bureau said on the educational information work conference. They try to make Guangzhou educational informationization in the leading position in the whole country by three years’ hard work.


Qu Shaobing said the goal of Guangzhou education informationization in the following three years is to keep improving the whole city’s informationized level of basic education, secondary occupation education and higher education. And start the Informatization construction of preschool education.


According to the education Bureau objectives, the enrollment rate of digital education city in Guangzhou for the whole city's primary and secondary vocational schools’ teachers and students would be 100%. So does the teacher network space application ratio. So we can realize the network learning space for everyone. By then, the city will built about 100 primary and secondary demonstration schools of 'wisdom campus'. 90% vocational college will be built into standardized digital campus at the end of 2015.

根据教育局的工作目标,到20 16年,全市中小学、中职学校师生在广州“数字教育城”的注册率达100%,教师网络空间应用比例100%,实现网络学习空间“人人通”。届时,全市将建成约100所中小学“智慧校园”示范校。90%的中职院校在20 15年底按标准建成数字化校园。


