公安部回应二代证缺陷:年底身份证指纹登记The ID Card Will Have Fingerprint Registration At the End of The Year

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:In our country, if residents lost ID card in the daily life, even they can report the loss, but the original identity card still c…

In our country, if residents lost ID cardin the daily life, even they can report the loss, but the original identitycard still can be normal use because there is no cancellation measure.


According to Xinhua news agency, a lot oflost and stolen identity cards are using to illegal transactions through thenetwork, and are also widely used to open a bank card and credit card, fraud,money laundering and so on; what is worse, due to China's current generation twoID card is lack of necessary password basic anti fake function, if thecriminals have the real ID card of another person who is similar in appearance,they can be 'double people with one ID card', increasing thedifficulty to fight crime of public security agencies.


Yesterday, the Ministry of publicsecurity makes response on this. The relevant responsible person in Ministryof Public Security Bureau said, all the behaviors of transacting, falselyusing other people's identity card will be prosecuted. Publicsecurity organs will continue to increase efforts to combat the criminalactivities of transacting and falsely using other people's identity card and acceleratethe efforts to launch resident identity card registration fingerprintinformation at the beginning of the New Year. Currently they are promoting theestablishment of a identity card loss and reporting system for the wholecountry, solving the ID card loss and reporting problems effectively.


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