
来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理
摘要:好学英文网提示:有人认为姓名很重要,有人认为姓名只是个符号,你对姓名的看法。 Answer: One Opinion: Your name is very important! It identifies who you are, and if you don…

Is English Name is importment范文

We try to give us English names, but many Europeans and Americans can't understand, why Asians don't like Asian names. Some of my friends from Europe told me, they are willing to be told the Asian names, when they meet Asian, becuase they will feel to be trusted. Name is a label for people. It's a part of your personality. It's not unpleasant for a foreigner, if you introduce yourself with your Chinese name. When a foreigner tries to remember your exotic Chinese name, it means a good beginning of striking up a friendship with him (her).

So, why should we have an English name? We were given Chinese names because we are Chinese! So we should be proud of having a Chinese name!

It's a good argument for having an English name. It's of course not wrong. But I ask myself further, what is communication? Communication doesn't only mean that you understand each other dialogically. A successful communication should include understanding and respecting of your culture, your Weltanschauung and your personality. And your name is a part of this YOU! When an European calls your Chinese name, he (she) will be always reminded of your Chinese background. Such communication always has a better beginning, because it is based on a liberaler level. When you introduce yourself to a stranger with your Chinese name, you imply that he (she) should accept or respect your Chinese background and he (she) should understand you more as a Chinese than a British or an American, even if you speak English! I think, communication will become easier und succsessful, when you don't try to hide the diffence between you and the others.

But it is of course only a private business! I don't mean, we mustn't have English names. It's only your decision. I won't give you criticism, if you use your English name! I just tried to analyse this phenomenon, because I find it very interesting. Furthermore, It is only my own view of this phenomenon. I will always be glad to hear different opinions.

An english name,is an willing that you wil show yourself to other people, an defination of yourself. Why? If you reverse your standpoint with the foreigner,then you can understand why you need to give an english name for yourself. For example,The name your family give you was somehow a special mean for your father or your mother or some one else. This is some how the chinese culture effective. So that is why the time when you want to have an english but a hestate for you to choose.

Another aspect, duo to the culture differences, the chinese charecters got a five thousand years of history, so you can see how a foreigner who know a little about chinese or nothing can not understand the chinese name significant or even the words. IT is the same situation that for you to understand the name that foreigner from Indian or africa or Philippine that is so hard to remmember. That is also why we need to have a easy and good english so that others can easily to memrise you. Also have a good impressive of you. What if a foreigner said to you: NI Hao! Wo jiao Wangyi. How is the feeling when you heard that.

So this is not the patriotism or someother problem. Be yourself. To make the desition is depend on your career or your situation. If you want to be a very good firend or good business partner of the foreigner, then you know how to chose. but if you are just want to have an english name, so you can chose one acording to your persernality or like or dislike.


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