
来源:英语作文网  作者:本站整理


Taking Care of the Seniors

Our nation is one with a large population which bears an accelerating tempo in the aging of its people. Nowadays, senior citizens in China enjoy an abundant material life whereas torturing a life with vacancy and solitude.

Reasons for the aging of population varied. Above all, I think, it is greatly related to the over-whelming development of the science and technology, especially in the medicine field. It is a reason that can never be blamed. Preventing the progress of either science or technology to reverse the aging situation can be ridiculous and will never happen as we hardly will agree on the opinion of banning marriage to decrease the divorce rate.

We sincerely hope our grandpas and grannies to live longer on one hand, and still worry about the aging issue one the other hand which seems an entire contradiction. What we can do about this is to company those who are still truly enjoying the colorful world, to supply them with all kinds of facilities for recreations and provide those who have already fully achieved their life goals with Euthanasia. This is something rather cruel but it makes sense somehow and what it requires are courage and realm.

What I bear in my mind is that senior citizens can be helpful rather than a kind of burden to our society. Experiences are valuable resources to the young that can protect them from making the same silly mistakes over and over again so as to speed up the procession of their growing.

Working with old people can be a joyful thing when you can be trained to be more patient, easy-going and open-minded. Listening to the old narrating their histories can let you feel calmer whenever faced with obstacles and difficulties. Playing with the senior can make you laugh happily with no disguise or hypocrisy at the same time which can cure you psychologically in some way somehow and free you from tough pressure from work, family, or other aspects.

As for me, I’m so touched when my 80-year-old grandpa accompanied me all the way up the Beijing to embrace the brand new start of my university life for himself. It is, and has always been my greatest pleasure to see he is that healthy, that passionate, that humorous and lively as he was. How nasty and non-filial I will be if I scold him of embarrassing the embarrassing situation of the aging of the population in our country.

I’m serious when talking about this issue since it hasn’t been properly handled. I decidedly hold the view that senior citizens should be, and must be treated equally and respectfully in our global community, ’cause getting old will be an inevitable phase in everyone’s life span. To respect the old, is to respect yourself, is to respect the meaning of life.







谈到人口老龄化这个问题,我是很严肃的,哪怕它仍没有得到妥善的处理。我认为,老年人应该,而且必须受到我们全社会的平等待遇和尊重,因为,每个人总有一天都会老去。尊重老人,就是尊重自己,就是尊重生命的意义。 (475)

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