英国凯特王妃首次公开演讲British princess Kate first public speaking

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:英国凯特王妃 19 日首次以王室成员身份公开演讲,表现自信。 凯特当天访问英格兰东部伊普斯维奇市一家绝症儿童护理机构,看望那些致力帮助患绝症儿童的工作人员和志愿者。 她说,这家临终关怀医院远不是收治患病儿童、让人压抑的地方,而是一个家。现场以掌...…





First of all, I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for not only accepting me as your Patron but thank you also for inviting me here today.


You have all made me feel so welcome and I feel hugely honoured to be here to see this wonderful center.


I am only sorry that William can't be here today; he would love it here. A view of his - that I share - is that through teamwork, so much can be achieved.


What you have all achieved here is extraordinary.


You as a community have built the Treehouse; a group of people who have made every effort to support and help each other.


When I first visited the Hospice in Milton, I had a pre-conceived idea as to what to expect. Far from being a clinical, depressing place for sick children, it was a home. Most importantly, it was a family home, a happy place of stability, support and care. It was a place of fun.


Today I have seen again that the Treehouse is all about family and fun. For many, this is a home from home - a lifeline, enabling families to live as normally as possible, during a very precious period of time.


What you do is inspirational, it is a shining example of the support and the care that is delivered, not just here, but in the children's hospice movement at large, up and down the country.


The feelings you inspire - feelings of love and of hope - offer a chance to families to live a life they never thought could be possible.


So thank you again for inviting me here today. I feel enormously proud to be part of East Anglia's Children's Hospices and to see the wonderful life-changing work that you do. Thank you.




With success achieved, we also need frie…