家庭是什么 What is family?英语作文

来源:英语作文  作者:本站整理
摘要:Everybody has his own family. What is family ? I don’t think everyone really knows. There are six letters in the word “ FAMILY ”. …

Everybody has his own family. What is family  ? I don’t think everyone really knows. There are six letters in the word “FAMILY ”. I think  “F ” means “father”, “A” means “and”, “M ” means “mother” , “I ” means“I”, “L” means “love” and 好学英文网提供范文 “Y ” means “you”. So “FAMILY ” is the short form of “Father and mother , I love you.” Don’t you think so ? Father and mother love us , and we love father and mother . That’s a happy family.




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