Taiwanese 台湾 英语作文

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摘要:题目:Island of Greed(贪婪之岛) 前镇高中210张承杰 Taiwan has been nicknamed, The Island of Greed. Some Taiwanese put high premium on material. L…

题目:Island of Greed(贪婪之岛)

Taiwan has been nicknamed, "The Island of Greed." Some Taiwanese put high premium on material. Life, and become very greedy, always wanting more. Many are also so eager to seek wealth they are willing to sacrifice other important things in life. For example, some people have sacrificed their health for wealth, failing to see that money means nothing without good health, until it's too late. We should all stop to examine our life and consider if it is worth it to gain little at the cost of losing a lot. We should cherish what we own today. I hope one day Taiwan will stop being "The Island of Greed."

本篇《Island of Greed(贪婪之岛)》英语作文,供广大英语作文写作者免费交流和学习,版权归《Island of Greed(贪婪之岛)》的原作者所有。

友谊的颜色(The color of friendship)

友谊的颜色(The color of fri
