It's Pink and Red

来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理
摘要:It's Pink and Red Once upon time there was a little girl named Kamaree. She loved her family very much. At school, her favorite ac…

It's Pink and Red

Once upon time there was a little girl named Kamaree. She loved her family very much. At school, her favorite activities are singing songs, coloring with my crayons, playing with Timothy but then I pushed

him and backed up. I like Timothy but he has moved away again.

I don't like to sleep at school most of the time I talk to the teachers when the other kids are asleep.



我家的三餐,介绍家人的三餐,有关一日三餐的英语作文相关词汇:范文相关词汇: fe…