成功女性事迹women of achievement英语作文

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摘要:英语作文women of achievement:本文为高中一年级“women of achievement”教案,也许您看完好学英文网提供的此文后,您写这篇作文也会很容易了,后附好学英文网提供“成功女性事迹women of achievement”英语作文范…
成功女性事迹women of achievement英语作文#e#


Courage – Africa Gonzalez, director of Immigrant Women’s Services for the Memphis YWCA and co-chair of the Shelby County Domestic Violence Council.

Determination – Nancy Williams, executive director of the Memphis Child Advocacy Center which houses a multi-disciplinary team to aid child victims of sexual and extreme physical abuse and which is incubating the Family Safety Center.

Vision – Sonja White, managing partner of the Domestic Violence Unit, Memphis Area Legal Services; president of the Memphis Area Women’s Council and chair of the Shelby County Domestic Violence Council.

Heroism – Caroline Turns, third-grader and St. Jude patient who tells her unique story of enduring a five-organ transplant as a confident representative of all patients of catastrophic childhood diseases.

Initiative – Jodie Vance, founder and publisher of the Downtowner magazine and an early advocate of downtown Memphis’ rebirth.

Steadfastness – Gloria Kahn, community activist, whose leadership in the Jewish community and in issues from human rights to political engagement, is legendary.

Heritage – Alma C. Hansen, a Congregational Church missionary who devoted her life to development of LeMoyne College from 1922 to 1962 and was its only female acting president.

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