祝海地地震中遭难的同胞们生者平安康健 - 英语作文网

来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:英语作文网全体编辑,为海地地震当中遇难的同胞深表哀悼,我们为您做不了什么,但是我们可以在这里为海地所有同胞祈福! 逝者已逝,生者坚强! 编辑点评:海地是世界上最贫穷的国家之一,这个国家曾经有很多问题,不过最近几年政府的一系列措施已经取得了很大进展,投…

Ms. CHARLES: The government is very stable. I mean I have to tell you, you know, I've been reporting on this country for years now and in the last couple of years, you know, yes, there was a problem with gangs, but those, you know, they were disarmed and in the last two or three years, the country has been enjoying relative stability.

I just recently wrote a story about how it was going to get its first international hotel franchise in a decade because investors were starting to feel confident, both Haitians and non-Haitians alike. They were preparing to go to elections on February 28th, prior to that everybody was warming up for Carnival. There's supposed to be a presidential election, you know, in November. Now I think that the focus is just going to really shift to how do you dig yourself up from underneath this rubble?

AMOS: Jacqueline Charles of the The Miami Herald, thanks very much for talking to us.

Ms. CHARLES: Thank you.

AMOS: I know you're heading to Haiti today, yourself, so stay safe.

Ms. CHARLES: All right. Thank you.

INSKEEP: And rather than building hotels, Haitians now have to focus on recovering victims from buildings that collapsed yesterday. Most people are having to dig through the rubble by hand to try to find family or friends. An Associated Press videographer in Port-Au-Prince says a hospital is wrecked.

AMOS: People are standing by to rush in aid from the United States and Mexico, but last night, the Port-Au-Prince Airport remained closed. It'll take time simply to know the extent of the damage and even longer to start to recover.

INSKEEP: And as darkness began to fall last night, a U.S. Department of Agriculture official took a moment to look up from the wreckage of a Haitian city. He said the sky was gray with dust.


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