
学段:职业初期  学科:英语  来源:英语作文网  作者:中国-本站整理
摘要:差生如何学英语 面对那么多差生,我们该如何帮他们学好英语呢?下面的建议是吸纳别人的同时有我的看法: 一、首先抓好他们的基础知识学习。俗话说:巧妇难为无米之炊。没有一定的词汇量想学好英语只能是纸上谈兵。所以要正确引导差生巧记单词。多数差生怕记单词………


1、祈使句 / 名词词组 + and / or +陈述句(祈使句 / 名词词组表示“条件”)

Work hard, and you’ll succeed. Hurry up, or you’ll be late.

A little more efforts, and you will make it.


It is well-known that China is a developing country

It is no use talking to him again.


We feel it exciting to work with you.

I owe it to him that I’ve achieved so much.

4、It is / was + 被强调部分 + that / who…表示“强调”

It is they that/who have gone to the Great Wall.

It was not until he took off his sunglasses that I recognized him.

5、to… / in order to…/ so as to…/ so that…/ in order that…表示“目的”

Check your composition to/ so as to/in order to avoid mistakes.

He worked hard in order that they can serve his country well.

6、There be 句型及其扩展形式表示“存在”

There lived an old man in that village.

There stands a tower on the top of the mountain.


Hearing the news, he burst into tears.

When asked where he came from, he didn’t reply.

8、With 结构作状语或定语

He likes to sleep with the door open/closed.

She came in, with tears in her eyes/tears in eyes.

After a few minutes, a woman with a baby in her arms got on the bus.

9、who / whom / whose / which / that / when / where / why / as引导定语从句

He won the first place in the competition, which made him happy.

I, who am your friend, will help you.

As is known to us all, he is the best student in his class.

10、what / that / whether / when / where / who / why等引导的名词性从句

What we need is more time.

That he couldn’t come made us unhappy.

Who will go makes no difference.


for one thing …,for another…;(一则/首先……,二则/其次……);firstly…,secondly…,thirdly…(第一……,第二……,第三……);first…,second…,third…,at last首先……,其次……,再次……,最后……)


before, after, then, afterwards(后来),at last, in the end, finally, next, in the meantime(同时)/ at the same  time


therefore(因此),so, thus(因此),as a result(结果)


but, yet/and yet (但是), however, nevertheless(然而,不过)


for example, for instance(例如) such as+ 名词/短语(例如)


besides(此外), what’s more(而且), and, what is/ was worse/ to make things worse(更糟糕的是) also, in fact =as a matter of fact


in short(总之),in a word(简而言之),all in all(总的来说,总而言之)


or else(否则),otherwise(否则)=or, in that case(如果那样的话)


namely(既,也就是),in other words, that is,=that is to say(也就是说),I mean(我是说)


on the contrary(相反),instead of, on one hand…, on the other hand…(一方面…,另一方面)


by the way


in any case(不管怎样,无论如何),after all(毕竟),,anyhow(不管怎样),in spite of(尽管)

Patterns of culture 文化的模式

Patterns of culture 文化
