英语作文 clothes Make the Man,人靠衣装 马靠鞍

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摘要:英语作文 clothes Make the Man,人靠衣装 马靠鞍,人靠衣装,佛靠金装。…

Clothes Make the Man - Is It True? Deserving Abundance I've been on a clear path towards allowing more and more abundance into my life in the form of loving people, things and money. What walks with that part of me on my journey here on Earth is deserving. And part of my feeling deserving is that I earn my living doing what I love. It all seems to be very intricately tied together.

My husband generally is very in tune with my spiritual path and/or my "life is a school" experiences so it is quite natural that we bought him some new clothes over the weekend for him also. When he got dressed for work this morning he commented that he feels really prosperous in his new duds.

I'm learning that since the material force is a strong force when living a life on this planet being surrounded by things, those of us who tread a conscious spiritual path often say we want abundance but think someplace hidden inside us that things, money, wealth are not spiritual. We secretly think they represent the Golden Calf. And they bring up the old statement "money is the root of all evil."

The actual phrase is "the love of money is the root of all evil" which I understand as putting money in front of our own needs or those of our fellows and that is the problem. If you love money so much that you will hurt another or hurt the Earth, then that's a problem. Money is a representation for things and it is only a symbol whose purpose and meaning we assign.

Allowing abundance in the form of things requires being comfortable with and feeling deserving of those things.

One of the "angel" voices in my life right now is a daughter going through judging buying new things. I don't agree. My buying of things doesn't keep anything away from anyone else any more than breathing takes away anyone's air.

We live on an abundant planet that is out of balance but not lacking in anything. And as I said before, we create our own economic paradigm and ours includes some new clothes for ourselves for Christmas.

Maybe our new clothes will create us more and more a vibrational match toward great wealth. Imagine how much good we could do for ourselves, our family and the world.

In previous times, there was an old adage about dressing for success which included the saying, "The clothes make the man." Fashions come and go through the years, and some fashions return again after they have spent enough time in moth balls. For the not so distant future, fashion might play a role in more than just appearances. Taking a queue from Hollywood concepts and the propensity for science fiction to become fact, there may one day be technology where clothing plays a role in the next stage of human development.

The film "The Tuxedo" starring Jackie Chan presented some hints about where the next big boost may be coming from. In the movie, Jackie Chan was transformed from an ordinary taxi driver into a virtual super spy with the help of a high tech tuxedo that imparted a host of special powers to the character when he put on the suit. In the movie "Blade Runner" starring Harrison Ford, technology much akin to today's digital photography was used by Mr. Ford's character to track down the android life forms he was hunting.

Advances in computer technology, data storage, miniaturization, and mapping the electrical impulses associated with human thought processes, may one day make it possible for people to "wear" huge repositories of information and skills as computerized fashion wear. Wearing such clothing, and tapping into the knowledge bases contained within the garments through electrical impulses interfacing directly with the brain's own memory centers would make it possible for average individuals to instantaneously recall large amounts of information programmed directly into the weave of the cloth.

Styles of garments might then be created to represent the kind of information to be imparted to the wearer. This type of technology would bring a whole new meaning to finding the right "fit." Work clothes would reflect information about the type of jobs being performed, with instant access to all the right information needed for performing the function. hxw.red

Other people who would come in contact with the material would also be able to gain direct access to the available information stored in the clothing interface. It might also be possible for owners of the styles to impart aspects of their own personal experiences and information into the system, adding to the initial data pre-programmed into the garment. With this concept, someone who put on a shirt worn by Albert Einstein could tap into the level of information and understanding he had programmed into his fashion wear.

To the degree that knowledge and information can transform the perceptions of individuals, such advancement in outer wear could revolutionize how people learn new information, and transform society to achieve new heights in understanding. As with any technological advancement, there would also be necessary safe guards and adjustments to consider in filtering out the negative aspects of human nature. People would not want to absorb information input from criminal or sociopath personalities. The technology would also have to work through problems caused by damage to the material, leaving huge gaps in the information due to wear and tear in the fabric. New privacy considerations and the ability to regulate information obtained from someone's personal wardrobe would also need to be considered. There might be copyright laws regarding information contributed by various individuals, which work their way into a particular product line.hxw.red



谢振礼托福范文 :祖孙之间 TOEFL 2012年9月8日真题 Advice f…