英语作文 clothes Make the Man,人靠衣装 马靠鞍

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摘要:英语作文 clothes Make the Man,人靠衣装 马靠鞍,人靠衣装,佛靠金装。…

Certainly, such technology would vastly enhance the educational process depending on how much information the human mind could retain after removing the garment. Experiences might become the province of what "hats" a person has worn in performing their duties. Another old adage springs to mind which might also carry new meaning, "You never really know a person until you have walked around in their shoes." hxw.red

If such technology is developed, it might blur the line between individual talent and artificially induced performance. The education process would take a major hit from anyone who could afford to buy the right clothes from someone who had already completed classroom work and taken tests. Sibling "hand me downs" would give younger children a leg up on what their brothers and sisters had to experience themselves to learn. The Good Will and Salvation Army used clothing drives might also have to more closely monitor the wardrobe they are redistributing to the under privileged.

Working through the preliminary thoughts about how a single innovation might impact society demonstrates the influences and considerations needed to bring such ideas into reality. In this scenario, the technical clothing industry might be able to revolutionize how people use and obtain information. How much would such garments cost if the alternative for people would be to learn concepts the old fashioned way? If knowledge were taken to this level of advancement, what would be the effect on the over all quality of life? Would nudists be willing to give up their practices to stay in touch with the mainstream?hxw.red

Hopefully, this article will impart a few laughs and get people to think about just how many new ideas there are to pursue in trying to improve our quality of life. Human beings all start out the same as they have since the beginning of time. The only thing that changes is what each new society has to work with, and how the present builds on the experiences of the past. When you buy a suit from the Men's Warehouse of the future, will you truly "like the way you look?"

First impressions are everything. People see an initial image of you and perceptions are immediately formed. The politically correct doesn't want you to know this but most of the world judges you by your appearance. Good clothes make the man and make life so much easier. If you can't afford good clothes, skip this article.

I discovered in my twenties, that when I dressed good, people I hadn't met before, would view me as an accomplished, intelligent, successful person, even though they knew nothing about me. Unless I did something drastic to change this perception, they would continue to view me in a very positive light because basically people don't want to change their comfort zone.

So I would dress in tailor made suits with designer ties and Italian Shoes all the time. I could be the village idiot but people at work would give me the benefit of the doubt and think I knew what I was talking about when I didn't. Women I dated would think I was very successful even though I held a medium level job. They'd give me the benefit of the doubt when they found out I wasn't a Doctor/Lawyer and they didn't care. If I had initially dressed average or in the level of my income- thank God for credit cards, most of these women wouldn't have given me the time of day. Once someone doesn't let you get your foot in the door, it's hard for it to open. At work I found I didn't have to work as hard and if promotion opportunities came up, I was on the short list, not for how I worked or the person I was, but for the image I projected. Note, I never lied about myself, I let my clothes do the talking.hxw.red

So what's the moral?. Basically if you're a guy, you should invest in good clothes, and the cost of what you've spent on these clothes, will pay off huge in your working and personal life.


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