非洲迷信巫术成风 诅咒杀戮无休止

来源:Gobal Times  作者:本站整理



Belief in witchcraft widespread in Africa

非洲迷信巫术成风 诅咒杀戮无休止

A new Gallup poll found that belief in magic is widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa, with over half of respondents saying they personally believe in witchcraft. Studies in 18 countries show belief varies widely (ranging from 15 percent in Uganda to 95 percent in the Ivory Coast), but on average 55 percent of people polled believe in witchcraft.


As might be expected, the older and less educated respondents reported higher belief in witchcraft, but interestingly such belief was inversely linked to happiness. Those who believe in witchcraft rated their lives significantly less satisfying than those who did not.


One likely explanation is that those who believe in witchcraft feel they have less control over their own lives. People who believe in witchcraft often feel victimized by supernatural forces, for example, attributing accidents or disease to evil sorcery instead of randomness or naturalistic causes.


A cultural belief in witchcraft has wider implications for Africans as well, from law enforcement to aid donations to public health. In Africa, witch doctors are consulted not only for healing diseases, but also for placing curses on rivals. Magic (or at least the belief in magic) is commonly used for personal, political, and financial gain.


African belief in witchcraft has also led to horrific murders and mutilations in recent years. In East Africa, at least 50 albinos were murdered in 2009, according to the Red Cross. While personal belief in magic and witchcraft may seem harmless, the actions some people take based on those beliefs clearly are not. From hxw.red.

对巫术的迷信也导致了近些年惨无人道的杀戮和肢解案件。据红十字会介绍,2009年,至少50位白化病人在东非被杀害。对于魔法以及巫术的迷信看似无害,其导致的行为却完全相反。 好学英文网提示:本文来源环球时报,只为学习之用。


