
来源:英语作文网  作者:本站整理

Beauty and Identity
--A Contrast between Pecola and Claudia

[Abstract] Toni Morrison is recognized as one of the most important American novelists. As a black female writer, Toni Morrison always selects the writing materials from the African American’s history and realistic life. The Bluest Eye is her first novel. In this novel. Toni Morrison presents the psychological ordeal of the black women resulting from the impact of the pervasively dominant white culture. By contrasting the underlining reasons for Pecola’s losing beauty and identity with Claudia’s gaining beauty and identity, in the face of white standard of beauty from the perspective of their respective families, their community, themselves, this paper is in an attempt to demonstrate that beauty and identity should be treated as a whole. It is impossible and wrong to seek beauty at the cost of the loss of identity. Only in the course of keeping one’s identity can one find his or her own beauty. This is the road for the black to survive—keep their root, their tradition, and above all, their own beauty.
[Key Words] beauty; identity; The Bluest Eye; Toni Morrison


[摘 要] 托尼·莫里森是公认的美国当代最重要的黑人小说家之一。作为一个黑人女性作家,托尼·莫里森始终是从美国黑人的历史和现实中选取创作题材。《最蓝的眼睛》是莫里森的第一部小说。 在这部小说里,莫里森着重刻画在白人主流文化对黑人社会,家庭和个人的强大冲击下,黑人女性痛苦的精神磨砺和复杂的心路历程。本文主要是从家庭,社区对个人的影响及个人自身努力这一角度来分析在美国白人主导文化推崇的金发碧眼白皮肤为美的审美标准冲击下,佩克拉丧失了美与身份而克劳蒂亚保持了美与身份的原因。文章旨在说明美与身份是作为整体而存在的,为了追求所谓的美而失去身份是不现实也是不可取的。只有在努力保持身份的过程中,才能找到美。这也是黑人民族的生存之路—保持黑人的美,保持黑人传统。
[关键词] 美;身份;最蓝的眼睛;托尼·莫里森.



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