Looking forward...Tomorrow is another day!

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Looking forward...Tomorrow is another day!
摘要:Looking forward...Tomorrow is another day! Dont be stuck in the painful and depressive situation, you should look forward. Thinkin…

Looking forward...Tomorrow is another day!

Dont be stuck in the painful and depressive situation, you should look forward. Thinking about sth positive, and what will happen in the future? God is fair to everyone, if you lost sth, it would give you more. who knows what happens tomorrow?

Looking doesnt mean you dont think about what happened before, the most important thing is what you learnt from the past and how to calm you down. I know, it is pretty hard to forget everything in a short time, but please remember if the difficulty did not kill you, it would make you stronger. I am not sure whether I am strong enough, but I know I am able to face it and I can control myself.

Looking more friends at campus and try to start a new life, not only for myself, but also for my parents. They are always proud of me. I will try my best to satisfy them and make them believe that their daught is the best one and nothing can defeat her.

Looking to find some interests that used to be enjoyable and continue to enjoy them. turn to an opposite way which you did not used to experience, you will find it is nice for you to live alone, more confidencial, more convenient and get more freedom. you own more time to sort sth out and dont consider what others' feeling, just do it! what an ideal lifestyle! A new start, a really magic experience. WHY NOT TRY?

Looking forward... I will never regret what I have done before. Although i lost sth that I used to care about, i realised it is not worth thinking about. The one has dispeared in my memory, just gone with the wind, maybe some of my abilities are gone as well...

Tomorrow is another day! Believe in yourself!




给联合国秘书长Kofi Annan写信,阐述你对世界和平现状的看法和展望,以及对…