
来源:Global Times  作者:本站整理
摘要:据《每日电讯报》9月20日报道,美国著名搜索引擎Ask Jeeves最新调查发现,世界上最难回答的十大问题包括“生命的意义是什么”、“有没有上帝”等等。…


Top ten 'unanswerable' questions

According to the Daily Telegraph of September 20, the world's ten most unanswerable questions include "what is the meaning of life", "does God exist", showed a study made by Ask Jeeves, a popular search engine in US.

据《每日电讯报》9月20日报道,美国著名搜索引擎Ask Jeeves最新调查发现,世界上最难回答的十大问题包括“生命的意义是什么”、“有没有上帝”等等。

The search engine has now compiled what it describes as a top ten of "unanswerables" – the posers where there is no simple answer – based on more than a billion questions it has been asked in the last decade. They include everything from the taxing question "what is love" to "who is the most famous person in the world?" Other weighty issues include mortality, the secret of happiness and even whether blondes have more fun.

本次评选的十大难题是从该网站十年来网友提出的十几亿问题中挑选出来的,这些难题无法用简单的语言回答,其中有很多非常抽象难回答的问题,比如“什么是爱情”、“谁是世界上最出名的人”等等。 其他难回答的问题还涉及到道德以及幸福的秘诀,甚至还有“金发女郎真的更快乐吗”这样的问题。

Nadia Kelly, of Ask Jeeves, said: "Jeeves prides himself on being able to answer 16 million questions a month and has been doing so for ten years now. But even we have to admit that occasionally there is going to be a question where there is no simple answer so we're letting our users do it themselves."

来自Ask Jeeves的纳迪亚?凯莉说:“Jeeves一直以每月能够为用户解答1600万个问题而骄傲,并且坚守本职工作十年如一日。但是我们必须承认一点,有时我们也会有一些问题无法简简单单给出答案,这些就要靠我们的用户自己去寻找 答案了。”


