来源:GobalTimes 作者:本站整理
摘要:减速!人命关天 加拿大一所学校用奇特的3D光学技术制成一个女孩在马路上追赶一只球的幻影,以此提醒驾车者放慢速度。…
Shocking new 3D illusion of girl
According to the Daily Mail of September 8, a school in Canada is using a bizarre 3D optical illusion of a young girl chasing after a ball on the road to make drives slow down.
At a distance it just looks like a marking on the road but when the car is 30 metres away it appears to suddenly rise up from the road. If a car is travelling at the speed limit for the road, 30km/h, then he should be able to stop in time before he reaches the image.