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当地时间12月19日,联合国气候大会在丹麦首都哥本哈根落下帷幕,此次会议并未签署任何具有法律效力的文件,而只是就一些谈判要点达成了一份临时协议,与会议预先设定的目标大相径庭。联合国秘书长潘基文表示,“哥本哈根协议”可能并不是大家期望看到的一个结果,但这份协议会是一个重要的开端。该协 议设定了将全球升温幅度控制在2摄氏度以内的目标,但是并未详述具体实施方法;同时还表示从2020年起,发展中国家每年将得到1000亿美元的减排援 助,但这笔钱从何而来,协议也未有明述。不过,这次会议决定2010年11月在墨西哥举行另一轮气候对话,以期出台一个可以取代《京都议定书》的新协议。

UN climate talks ended with a bare-minimum agreement on Saturday when delegates "noted" an accord struck by the United States, China and other emerging powers that falls far short of the conference's original goals.

"Finally we sealed a deal," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said. "The 'Copenhagen Accord' may not be everything everyone had hoped for, but this ... is an important beginning."

A long road lies ahead. The accord -- weaker than a legally binding treaty and weaker even than the 'political' deal many had foreseen -- left much to the imagination.

It set a target of limiting global warming to a maximum 2 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial times -- seen as a threshold for dangerous changes such as more floods, droughts, mudslides, sandstorms and rising seas. But it failed to say how this would be achieved.

It held out the prospect of $100 billion in annual aid from 2020 for developing nations but did not specify precisely where this money would come from. And it pushed decisions on core issues such as emissions cuts into the future.

"This basically is a letter of intent ... the ingredients of an architecture that can respond to the long-term challenge of climate change, but not in precise legal terms. That means we have a lot of work to do on the long road to Mexico," said Yvo de Boer, head of the UN Climate Change Secretariat.

Another round of climate talks is scheduled for November 2010 in Mexico. Negotiators are hoping to nail down then what they failed to achieve in Copenhagen -- a new treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol. But there are no guarantees.

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