Putting On Weight体重增加

来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:Putting On Weight Being too thin presents its own problems if you are a man.We all naturally want to have a great bodies with musc…

Putting On Weight 本文着重说明了当今社会减肥过度的问题,作者建议大家应该适当的增加体重。
Being too thin presents its own problems if you are a man.We all naturally want to have a great bodies with muscular tone,but if you have a fast metabolism you can find it very difficult to put on any muscular weight.

The problem with gaining weight is due to having a fast metabolism.You can burn calories just by thinking of exercise. Remember it is not only overweight people that dream of having muscular and toned bodies. People who are thin also share this vision. For a thin person it can be very difficult to gain muscle as their metabolism will burn too many calories preventing the growth of any new muscle. The obvious answer would be to eat more calories. However it is not as simple as that. Just eating lots of calories is not going to be enough. Even a thin person can carry what could be considered excessive fat around their waists, while their arms and legs remain thin.

To get more muscular there are certain rules that need to be followed. You must continually follow these rules persistantly. Skimping on meals is something that you must avoid religiously. Doing what you need to do on a regular basis without fail is what is going to help you put on weight. From hxw.red.

The first step is weight training, without this you will not gain muscularweight. Muscle is heavier than fat so if you increase your muscle,you will increase your weight. Training with weights breaks down muscle, nutrition and rest repairs them so that they are fractionally bigger than they were before.

Always concentrate on the big exercises which are going to work the most muscles at one go. These exercises require the use of lots of different muscles. In short more of your muscles are being targeted. Don't waste time and effort on small exercises which focus on small individual muscles,these will not get you the body you want. You should lift a weight that allows you to reach 4-8 reps, and once you can do 8 reps add a little more weight and repeat the process.

You need to start eating more calories but they should be good calories that come from foods such as cereals, vegetables, lean meat, eggs, and fish. Try to eat salmon or tuna everyday as these provide you with the types of fat that are of great benefit for your body. Solid food or liquid food (protein drinks) should be consumed every few hours. Your calorie requirements will increase with heavy training because your body will demand more to cope with what you are doing. Don't forget to drink lots of water.


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