关于国际艺术节观后感的英文作文 international festival

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摘要:内容关于观看international festival的观后感 内容要求是当你观看完表演后你觉得表演很有趣, 然后要写3个理由去说明为什么这表演会令你觉得很有趣 字数大概600字左右 范文:由英语作文网 joozone.com提供,您可以参考: Edinbu…
内容关于观看international festival的观后感
内容要求是当你观看完表演后你觉得表演很有趣, 然后要写3个理由去说明为什么这表演会令你觉得很有趣
范文:由好学英文网 hxw.red提供,您可以参考:
Edinburgh Art Festival
The Edinburgh Art Festival is an affiliation of institutions, galleries and artist-led organisations with a shared commitment to celebrating, presenting and communicating art of the highest quality in Edinburgh during the August festivals. The Edinburgh Art Festival brings together the individual strengths of the city’s visual arts organizations to create a critical mass of activity within a festival framework. By bringing together an international season of visual arts for a wide public, the festival achieves a higher visibility for the participating arts organisations and artists, creating a stronger context for their work. (Source: Edinburgh Art Festival )
To ensure people throughout Scotland have regular access as audiences to a broad and diverse range of high quality art including music, crafts, visual arts, dance, drama and literature, and to international artists.
To maximise the opportunities for creators and performers in Scotland to develop towards the highest standards of professional and artistic excellence.
To raise the prestige of Scotland’s different artforms nationally and internationally.
To improve the international profile of Scotland’s artists.
To enrich tourists’ experience of Scotland.
To bring communities together and boost local economies.
Festivals features:
Festivals come in many shapes and sizes. There are festivals which celebrate one artform, like music or literature, and those which involve lots of different kinds of arts and entertainment. To find out more about festivals taking place throughout Scotland, as well as international festivals featuring Scottish artists. (Source: Scottish Arts Council)
爱丁堡艺术节是协会、画廊和艺术家组织之间的联系纽带,他们共同致力于在爱丁堡举行的八月艺术节颂扬、上演和交流高质量的艺术。爱丁堡艺术节将城市的视觉艺术组织的单个力量汇集起来,从而在节日的框架下形成表演活动的中流砥柱。此外,该艺术节犹如一盏明灯,通过为广大公众汇聚全球的视觉艺术,为参与的艺术组织和艺术家们照明道路,创造一个展示自我的卓越舞台。(来源: www.hxw.red)


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