关于歧视的英语作文 The Discrimination Between Cities

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摘要:城市间的歧视 The Discrimination Between CitiesWhen we talk about the discrimination, we always think about the race between the black an…
城市间的歧视 The Discrimination Between Cities

When we talk about the discrimination, we always think about the race between the black and the white. Black people are always looking down by the white people, while in our country, though we are the same color, the discrimination still exists, it is about the people’s view about the different cities.


When we talk about the big cities, such as ShanghaiandBeijing, we always think about that the people inBeijingresist the people from other cities.Beijingcitizens are so proud of their identity, they think they are priority, they are in the first rank, while others are lower than them. While when we talk about the people from poor country, we always think about the dirty face and ragged clothes, this is also discrimination. Are these true? Of course not, I have friends fromBeijingand Guangxi, both of them are nice to me, they don’t look down upon people or look dirty. The impressions are wrong, people now no longer discriminate each other, the crimination only exists in few people.

当我们谈到大城市,如北京和上海的时候,我们总会想到北京人抗拒其他城市的人。北京居民为他们的身份感到自豪,他们认为自己是高人一等,他们出于第一层 次,然而其他人低于他们。当我们谈到来自贫穷城市的时候,我们总是想到脏的脸和破旧的衣服,这也是一种歧视。这些都是真的吗?当然不是,我有来自北京和广 西的朋友,他们对我都很友好,他们并没有看不起人或者看上去很脏。这些印象都是错误的,人们现在不再彼此歧视,歧视只在少数人身上存在。

In all, though the discrimination still exists between cities, we must have the thought that it is not all people, just a few people, we believe that someday it will disappear.


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