不同季节的犯罪率(Rate of Different Crimes in Different Seaso
It starts to grow steadily from about 15 in January and reaches a high of about 70, 77, and 66 in July, August, and September, with August as its highest point. Then it begins to decrease sharply to a Iow of about 15 in December. This means that there are more crimes of bodily harm in the summer months than in the rest of the months of the year, which may be attributed to the hot and humid weather. In this kind of weather, people can easily get irritated and angry. Robbery, on the other hand, has a different cycle. It varies very little in the year and begins to decrease slowly from its peak of about 55 in January and reaches its lowest of about 30 in the summer months of July, August and September. Then it starts to go up from October and reaches its peak of about 55 again in December. So we are likely to be robbed in the winter months, which can be explained by the fact that it gets dark earlier and the nights are longer.
During this time of the year, robbers have longer time to commit crimes at night. From the above analysis, we can come to the conclusion that different crimes seem to have different patterns in the year. We should take measures to be on guard for different crimes in different months.