
来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:好学英文网导读:以“假设你是李华,上月在某商店买一部数码相机,出现问题,你要求更换或退货”的事情的英语作文,用英语向商店经理写一封投诉信! 问题:1.拍摄的照片显示不清晰、2.到定点维修店检查,无法维修、3.经专家鉴定属于质量问题、要求:希望商店尽快给予答复…



Dear manager,

As a customer,i have some suggestions for your sale。

Last month,i bought a digital camera from your store,but after i check it by myself at home,unfortunately,I found that there is something wrong,firstly,the photos taken by it is not very clearly。then i ran to the salesshop for mending,but they refused me。So,I had to ask an expert to testify it,later on,they told me the quality of the quality of the camera is below-average,so I had to write this letter to you and ask you for help,please respond me as soon as possible ,thank you!
Li Hua


Dear manager,

I'm writing to you for the camera I brought last month while I was traveling in your country. it was happened in NY city. In order to take beautiful pictures of NY city and Manhattan, I purchased a camera in a store, which is made by your company.

Nice time always be short, when I had finished linked my computer and camera and transferred the photos from camera to computer, I sadly figured out that photos are not clear when computer displayed. It really pissed me off, because I spent a lot of time and money in the US, and I can’t get any memory record, which I would have done if I did not choose a camera produced by your company. From hxw.red.

After that, I contact local maintenance store, and they said it can’t be fixed. In order to get professional advice, I sent the camera to authority institution to identify if it is quality problem. Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

So,for me now, changing the product is acceptable, or you may take your piece of shit and give my money back. Please reply me ASAP and I’m looking forward to receiving your message.

Thank you for your consideration.

  Li Hua



Look before you leap. First think, then act.
It is never too late to mend.
Light come, light go.
Time is money.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Great hopes make great man.
After a storm comes a calm.
All roads lead to Rome.
Art is long, but life is short.
Stick to it, and you‘ll succeed.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
A good medicine tastes bitter.
It is good to learn at another man‘s cost.

英语作文点评:Generation Gap 代沟

英语作文点评:Generation Gap
