My new years resolution 英语作文

来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:So it is 5 days into the New Year and I figured out what my resolution is going to be this year; except that I have several resolu…

So it is 5 days into the New Year and I figured out what my resolution is going to be this year; except that I have several resolutions I am going to work on and they can all be accomplished. First of all I want to be a better person. I am a good person already but I want to better myself. I want to be a better friend and devote more time to seeing my friends, even if it is only for an hour so they know I care about them still. When I love someone I love them with ALL of my heart no matter if we have had more bad times than good. I love Dan with every part of my soul and I want to show him that. We finally figured out we can have conversations without fighting and if it leads to a disagreement we can find a way to talk about it without arguing..which is GREAT! I want to make a point to tell him and show him everyday for the rest of my life that I care even if I am in a bad mood that day or if I have a bad day at work because he was not there so I should leave work at I tell him all the time so I should also follow suit. I have also been an independent avon representative for two years now and have only had about 10 customers so this year I am going to try and expand my business and make it work better for me. I helps pay for school so I should put more effort into it so it pays me more in the end. So if you would like a book let me know. One of the last things I want to do this year is make me a healthier person. I am not saying that I want to go on a diet or lose 15lbs or anything like that I want to eat better for myself and start exercising more to make me in less pain. About 2 years ago now I hurt my back somehow and it has not got any better because I refused to exercise because it is like a chore but I complain when I hurt and it is my fault most of the time.

So I am going to do my streches and exercise a little more to strengthen my back so I don't end up like my dad. I would like to ride the 4 wheeler more often and do some fun things but I can't do it without my back getting stronger because once im sore I am sore for days and the only way to fix it is to make it stronger. So that is what I plan to work on for the next year and I would like everyones help with this to keep me on tract and I will do my best to fulfill every last one of my resolutions and I hope I come out on top.I know it is a lot but I also know it can be done and I will do it.



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