英语演讲 关于童年的经历的英语作文

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摘要:童年的梦想(The Dream Of My Childhood)英语演讲 关于童年的经历的英语作文…

童年的梦想(The Dream Of My Childhood)

I have a small dream since i was born

I hope that one day

The world would be full of love

you love me

i love him

we can love each other for ever

I hope that one day .cooyu.net

The world would be full of peace

There would be no conflicts

The birds could fly freely in the sky

And they could sing songs happily

I hope that one day cooyu.net

All humans could enjoy the beautiful world

As a hormany and warm family with all the beings.

A Memorable ExperienceIn My Childhood

This time I want to tell you a memorable experience in mychildhood. At that time I was very naughtygirl.

Before the Dragon Boat Festival of that year, suddenly a piece ofbad news was come all over my hometown. It was found that a deadinfant was cast away at the bottom of the mountain nearby. But Ididn’t believe it was true. Because I think even though infantswere dead when they were born just a moment, their parentsshouldn’t cast them away immortally. No one could do such thingwithout human nature.

On Dragon Boat Festival, as soon as there was a little light in thesky outside my window, I got up to go up the road to the mountainwith my good friend. We prepared to pick some wild flowers. Wealmost walked around the whole mountain and picked various of wildflowers, but we didn’t see the dead infant thrown away . When wewanted to go back, I noticed there was a large disreputable clothbetween the two stones at the bottom of the mountain. I lifted itcuriously with a stick from a tree. To my shocking, I really saw adead infant! I was badly frightened and my whole body wasbrembling. I and my friend ran away to home as quick as possible. Icouldn’t sleep at all that night.

It was said that the reason of throwing the infant away was thatshe was female baby. Her parents refused to bring her up. Later thepolicemen investigated the incident . The couple who cast theirfemale baby away were found and they werearrested. www.hxw.red

This is the most reckless thing which I did in my childhood. Iremember I was fourteen that year. Nowadays I have been becoming afourteen-year-old girl’s mother. But I never forget the dreadfulexperience.

The Dragon Boat Festival of this year is coming next Wednesday , soI recalled it. I believe such thing will neverhappen.

That’s over. Thanks!











