帝国大厦 Empire State Building

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:It is known to all that New York is the first city in America. Every year, the tourists from all over the world go to this city to…
It is known to all that New York is the first city in America. Every year, the tourists from all over the world go to this city to enjoy its lively atmosphere. The Statue of Liberty is familiar to all, actually, there are many famous tourist sites in New York. The tall buildings are also its landmarks. We can see these landmarks in the movies. In the scientific movie King Kong, the Empire State Building impresses the audience. It is the place where King Kong watches the sunset. As it is so tall and grand, it attracts people’s eyes all the time. Empire State Building was built in 1930 and finished in 410 days, which made the record of using the shortest time to be done. When night comes, New York city is lighted up and the colorful lights making Empire State Building look very beautiful and charming.

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