国际减轻自然灾害日The International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:Natural disaster is one of the biggest problems that the current world has to face with. Its damage is beyond our imagination. It …

Natural disaster is one of the biggest problemsthat the current world has to face with. Its damage is beyond our imagination. Ithas great influence on the suitable development of economic and society; evenit will threaten the survival of mankind. People have to pay attention on it. Recently,people have suffered lots from it. For example, Ya An earthquake, Englandflood, Chile seaquake and so on. All these natural disasters have causedserious tragedy, leading a plenty of people hurt or died. However, the cause ofnatural disaster is the behavior of human beings. Just like, mankind chop down tressand then causing the appearance of debris flow. If we make great effort on it,we can reduce these natural disasters. There will be more people be saved withless natural disaster. The International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction isaiming at proposing everyone stop doing the things that will cause naturaldisaster.


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