Its a long way from the

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:Finally, finally we arrived at Qionghai Hotel. It was indeed a place full of wonders. As Mummy promised, we even found peacock the…
Finally, finally we arrived at Qionghai Hotel. It was indeed a place full of wonders. As Mummy promised, we even found peacock there. But what amazed memost was Qionghai River---so peacefully beautiful. Along bankline, Doudou Meimei and I started a Cat and Mouse game immediately after we got there. It was so much funnier than simply walking! We chased after each other, we laughed and we chatted. Too bad daddy had wasted such wonderful moments in sleeping! Now you know who is the lazybone in my family.
Doudou Meimei and I. For the record, I am a boy!
Of course I know how to pose for a picutre.
Mummy, Doudou Meimei and Me!
Mummy, Me and My buddy--pushchair!
So many for me to see, to touch, to feel and to experience. I guess I was a bit overloaded. At noon I fell into a fast sleep as soon as mummy put me into the bed. I must have slept for a very short time when mummy woke me up. How could mummy do this to me? She never woke me up when I was in a good dream. Mummy said we should get up andgo to a fishing village by ferry. I didn’t want to go. I wanted my sleep back. My body was tired, my head was tired, even my toes were tired! I crieHow to make moneyd and I climbed under the table and wishfully thought mummy would leave me alone there. No way! She grabbed me, dressed me and put me on my pushchair. It surely voilated our Baby's rights, don't you think? I stopped crying but I decided to pout forever. Forever turned out to beawkwardly short. I was excited again as soon as we landed on the boat. I am usually not such flip-flopping on decisions, but fo one thing, it was a real boat and everyone knows how exciting to travel on a real boat. Second, Untie Li gave me a delicious candy to cheer me up and Untie Deng called me a sweat boy. It’s hard to keep pouting under such a situation.
how to make moneyThe fishing village we finally arrived was even more exciting. There were ponies and Doudou Meimei immediately went for a ride. Not me, Aha! Remember my first rule? Always play safe. No way would I let that monster get close to me. Besides they stink.Apart fromponies, there were crabs, fishes, shrimps, shells, anything you named, they got.
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我对海外出国留学的看法 studying A

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