Before a Robbery-劫案前后

来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED
摘要:Sir, it so happened that I was on my way home and noticed who were around and what they were doing. A man in a dark suit was walki…
Sir, it so happened that I was on my way home and noticed who were around and what they were doing. A man in a dark suit was walking out of the door, with an umbrella in his hand. A man was sweeping near the telephone booth. A woman and her child were crossing the road. There was a basket on the woman's right arm. A man with a cap was on a ladder,cleaning the wall. A man was reading under the tree. In the telephone booth, a girl was making a call. By the side of the street, I found a black car parked there with a door open. In the car there were two persons. The driver was sitting in the front, and the passenger was in the back.

警官,事情是 这样的,在回家的路上我注意到了周围的人和他们的活动情况。有一个穿黑西服的人走出门,手里拿把雨伞。电话亭旁有一个人在扫地。一位 妇女和她的小孩在过马路。妇女右臂挎了个篮子。一个戴帽子的人站在梯子上刷墙。树下有一个人在看书。电话亭里,有一个女孩在打电话。 我看到路边停了一辆黑色的车,一个车门开着。车里有两个人。司机坐在前面,乘客坐在后面。
Sir, it so happened that I was on my way home and noticed who were around and what they were doing. A man in black was standing by the door, with an umbrella in his hand. A man with a cap was wiping the wall on a ladder. Under the tree there was a man reading a newspaper. A black car was parked by the side of the road with a door open. There was a driver sitting in the front and a passenger in the back. A lady with a child was walking across the street. She was carrying a basket on the arm. On the other side of the load, a man was sweeping the street near the telephone booth. There was a girl making a phone call in the telephone booth.

警官,事情是这样的,在回家的路上我 注意到了周围的人和他们的活动情况。有一个穿黑衣服的人站在门边,手里拿把雨伞。有一个人戴着帽子站在梯子上刷墙。树下有一个人在看 报纸。路边停着一辆黑色的车,一个车门开着。司机坐在前面,乘客坐在后面。有一位女士带着小孩在过马路。她臂上挎了个篮子。在路的另 一边,电话亭旁有一个人在扫地。电话亭里,有一个女孩在打电话。

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