
学段:大学  学科:英语  来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:由于近年来的持续经济衰退,Addison Systems 公司打算在年底进行一次裁员,辞退的对象主要是公司去年招聘的临时工(temporary workers),Thomas就是即将被辞退的临时工。根据当初公司与Thomas签订的服务协议,如果公司辞退员工的话…

由于近年来的持续经济衰退,Addison Systems 公司打算在年底进行一次裁员,辞退的对象主要是公司去年招聘的临时工(temporary workers),Thomas就是即将被辞退的临时工。根据当初公司与Thomas签订的服务协议,如果公司辞退员工的话,公司须按照每服务满两个月支付员工一个星期薪水的补偿金,Thomas已在公司工作满12个月,将得到一笔相当于6个星期薪水的补偿。假设你是Addison Systems 公司的人力资源管理人员,请你为用英文为Thomas写一封员工辞退信(Employee Termination Letter),向他说明辞退的原因以及相关事宜。(你的署名请勿用真实姓名,一律用XXX表示。)

(Answeronly for reference)
Employee Termination Letter

Dear Thomas:

It is with sincere regret that I must inform you that your employment at Addison Systems Inc. will be terminated as of December 31, 2003.

As you know, the Downsizing Task Force delivered their report to the general manager in late December, 2002. Among the task force recommendations was the elimination of all temporary and contract positions. Since you occupy a temporary position, your position is automatically subject to the task force recommendations.

I would like to make it absolutely clear that in no way does your termination reflect that the company is in any way unhappy with your work performance over the past 12 months. In fact, you have been highly regarded as one of our most productive contract staff. Unfortunately, you and the other non-permanent staff that are being let go are simply a reflection of the general economic downturn over the past year.

In an effort to try to reduce the impact of this termination, the company has worked out a severance arrangement that will give you one week’s pay for each month you worked beyond 12 months. In your case this will amount to six (6) weeks of severance pay. In addition, your medical coverage will remain in effect until the end of the severance period. You will soon receive a letter from the Human Resources Department with all of the details on the severance package.

Thomas, given your qualifications and proven abilities, I am confident that you will be able to find another position in the relatively near future. If you would like, I would be pleased to write a recommendation letter for you, to help with your job search.


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