all roads lead to rome 条条大路通罗马

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摘要:条条大路通罗马(All Roads Lead to Rome) As we know, most of the middle school students today have the same dream, to go to college. To be …
条条大路通罗马(All Roads Lead to Rome)

As we know, most of the middle school students today have the same dream, to go to college. To be a college student not only means that you can get further education but also means a great success.

However, the question is, whether going to a college is the only way to success. My answer is "No". I disagree to the opinion for the following reasons.

First of all, getting into a university does not necessarily mean that you have won everything. A famous English saying goes, "One can never be too old to learn". You still need study very hard to get the bachelor, master or even doctor degree to achieve greater success.

Secondly, besides colleges or universities, you still have lots of way to achieve success. In history, a number of famous scientists and scholars, who did not manage to get into colleges, still made great contributions to human beings. Why was that? Because they had the determination which led them to the success.

Thirdly, I think the most important thing for today's society is not a diploma but the personal ability. Nowadays, we are all fac-ing the challenges of the market economy so what is essential to-day is not how high education you received but how soon you can dealing with the difficulties of all kinds.

Ladies and gentleman, All roads lead to Rome. Let us drop the old concept about the college diploma and embrace an even brighter future. Thank you.


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