妇女的自由 妇女权益

来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:这是一篇关于女权运动女性权益的文章。文章的内容有趣,论述角度比较独特,值得一读。 文章围绕着一个事例展开论述。事例本身有代表性、趣味性,通过这个恰当的、个性鲜明的事例来反衬笔者与之相反的观点,通读全文处处都感受到这种反差。如开篇以一个精彩的例证作为所…
Allegiant Follower of Women' s Rights?
Since the time God created Adam and Eve, women and men,with different body structure and distinct characteristics, are regarded as two totally different groups in the world. From that time, our ancestors have never felt suspicious of this established fact. Modern women, however, with highly developed intellect,tend to distrust the truth held for thousands of years. Believe it or not, a friend of mine is such a girl who always pretends to be an allegiant follower of women's rights.
Such things happen that she always goes into raptures at the mere mention of women's rights. She has a big heap of theories of her own to teach those naive girls in the dorm. Though she often extols the virtue of being independent, having no marriage,having no children, or even never trusting men's words, she has never put it into practice up to now. What's more ridiculous,she was propagating her forever-correct ideas last minute, while she is meeting her beloved boyfriend this minute and never tired of meeting those new handsome guys. When we laughed at her for her unworkable theories, she always laughed like a drain, "I love guys, but I don't trust them. What I am doing is to earn the same opportunity of having fun of love as men always do,"she added every time, "experience is the best way to protect yourself from those bad guys!" This doesn't surprise me any more for the real equality with men is not like this.
In my opinion, real advocators of women rights never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves. They disregard those old social rules of women and men without being aware that they've really done something to bridge the inequality with men. Compared with those women like who has been mentioned above, they have a strong inner desire to pursue the same opportunity as men have. Unlike girls who lay great emphasis on taking advantage of cosmetics and fashionable dressing, they spent much more time in learning, reading and perfecting themselves.They've been conscious that without a perfect performance capability and advanced skills in the field of what they are working,the equal opportunities won't fall down from the heaven. Besides this, they also involve themselves in such activities as discussions, seminars, forums and mass media to make the society and men know them well. This, with no doubt, is an effective way to better women's social status and narrow the gap between men and women.
Nowadays, "women's rights" becomes a fashionable term for women. While all women are talking about their ideas loudly hoping to stand themselves out from others, only a few of them have really done something to pave the way to the "equal world". In my opinion, they are actually the pioneers of our world and are worth being respected.




谢振礼托福范文 :祖孙之间 TOEFL 2012年9月8日真题 Advice f…