我的西藏游记my tour to tibet英语作文

来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:现在铁路开通后,去西藏旅游也方便很多了,以前经常听到人们去西藏自驾游,自己开着车跋山涉水地一路往西藏走去,一路风尘,披星戴月的,好不潇洒阿,去过西藏后写篇英语作文与大家一起分享一下这次的西藏之旅,谈谈我眼中的西藏。 Tibet, the largest pro…


Tibet, the largest province in China, is located in the southwest of P.R.C., blessed with spectacular sceneries and its distinguished beautiful culture. Our expeditions are to marvel at supernatural beauty of Sichuan with an experience of "Sichuan was said to be more difficult to reach that to heaven", browse Tibetan villages, learn about Tibetan Buddhism by visiting monasteries with chances to know more "Soul Boy searching system(all Panchen Lamas or Dalai Lamas will be decided this way ), trek into the heart of Tibet to uncover its mystery.

Lhasa, "holy land" in Tibetan,is located on the northern bank of Lhasa River, a great tributary of Yarlongtsampo River. Since Songtsangampo , the first king who united Tibet, founded his dynasty and moved its capital to Lhasa 1,300 years ago, it has always been the political and cultural center . Lhasa covers an area of 30,000km,with a population of over 400,000,87% of which is Tibetan. With an elevation of 12,000feet, it is famed as "the highest city " in the world. And because of all-year round enough sunlight , it's known as "sunshine city".

Tourists who have been here always marvel at magnificent Potala Palace and thousands of other Tibetan structures . Every day, many devout Buddhist believers have a pilgrimage walk around Jolkhang Monastery , with countless colorful prayer flags accompanying. Walking on the Barkhor Street, your eyes will be feasted by a great variety of wonderfully exquisite Tibetan souvenirs. A thousand tourists can have 1,000 different reasons that they fall in love with this place.





谢振礼托福范文 :祖孙之间 TOEFL 2012年9月8日真题 Advice f…