做自己的CEO think of yourself as the CEO英语作文

来源:互联网  作者:本站整理
摘要:人在成长的过程中需要不断的激励,今天好学英文网给大家推荐一篇优秀的励志作文,一方面可以学习其写作手法和句型运用,另一方面也给我们正面的人生力量: It doesn't matter if you are working for someone else rig…

It doesn't matter if you are working for someone else right now or what kind of job you have. From this day on, think of yourself as the CEO.

Most millionaires are self-employed so you should approach your work as if you were a CEO.

Just like setting huge goals lights a fire under you, so does working with a CEO mindset.

This forces you to accept full responsibility for your job, your career path and your relationships with your colleagues and boss.

If you don't like something about your job who will you approach to change it? You, of course!

Author Brian Tracy asks this question:

"If you were president of your company for one day or were completely responsible for results where you work, what one change would you enact immediately?"

What's your answer? What would you do?

If you already have your own business, you probably wear many hats but remember that you are CEO first of all.

Own your decisions. Don't be afraid to take action.

As you start thinking like a CEO you will spot the money opportunities all around you, you won't be able to help it.

This is why I created the Millionaire Mind Subliminal Video.

"The CEO of Yourself"

If you watch this video every day it will be like wearing a pair of "money goggles," revealing every money- making opportunity.

And every CEO needs a pair of those, right?

"The CEO of Yourself"

To Your Overwhelming Success,

P. S. When you mind is empowered with the wealth strategies in Millionaire Mind, your dreams really can come true.

"The CEO of Yourself"


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