The falsehood classification谎言的分类

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摘要:谎言有些什么类型呢?在这里好学英文网为您对谎言做一个较为全面的分类,详细请见下文The falsehood classification (谎言的分类)吧:…

The falsehood classification (谎言的分类)
1, has no evil intention falsehood (white liew) being generally what be spoken white lie , mainly, belong to social contact nature falsehood , can be lubricating human relations. They often are unconscious reveal way at ease express come out , be one kind of polite greetings , get rid of and the attemp cheating. Be for the sensitiveness and self-esteem respecting others mainly. But that this falsehood speaks may let person feel hypocritical much, therefore, still try one's best to stop using. Gossip person uses comparatively tactful way, can now that the block of wood hurts others's self-esteem, also be needless to lie. Be just not to exaggerate very much. From

2, humorous falsehood:

Amuse others feeling happy, any intention cheating all is brief but mocks sex's, have certain hyperbole. Diversity , effect concerning state sometimes because the other party's sense of humour composes in reply two people's need to pay attention to proper limits for speech or action but neither and, that is ,effect will be exactly opposite otherwise.

3, benefits others falsehood:

Be that others brings about benefit for, others strengthens a self-esteem in order others lightens agony or help. Even if being the intention benefiting others, also need to pay attention to appropriate measure.

4, defends nature falsehood:

Protect self and others with a view to , be for evading punishment or attack, or protecting a self-esteem possibly. Be seen through sometimes easyly.

5, flyting falsehood:

Intention gets benefit , belongs to the selfish character in hurting others or using self, and may bring about to others hurt, be immoral people to look upon as a quilt.

6, ill-condition falsehood (forces nature to lie):

Lie the psychology researcher feels the interest type most , falsehood directs on a liar when self regular development or the quality of life has bad effect, with regard to being defined ill-condition falsehood. In other words, this falsehood does not bring about any benefit seldom or at all to the liar.From



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